“On Homosexuality, Abortion and Euthanasia” with Dr. Scott Rae

In this interview Kaon discusses with Dr. Scott Rae what is the Christian perspective on toics such as homosexuality, abortion and euthanasia.

Dr.Scott Rae did his undergraduate studies at Southern Methodist University. He has THM from Dallas Theological Seminary and both an MA and a PHD from the University of Southern California. He has also done post graduate studies at the American Institute for Holy land Studies in Jerusalem. Dr Ray has authored 10 books about ethics, including “The Ethics of commercial Surrogate Motherhood”, “Moral choices and “Introduction to Ethics”, “Brave new families”, “Biblical Ethics” and “Reproductive Technologies” “Body and Soul”, “Human Nature” and “Crisis in Ethics”. His work has appeared in “Religion and Liberty”, “Journal of markets and Morality”, “Southern California Journal” and “Law and women studies” “National Bio-ethics quarterly and “Ethics and Medicine” He is a consultant for ethics for 4 Southern California Hospitals. He is also e fellow of a center” for Bio-Ethics and Human dignity” and e fellow of “Wilberforce Forum”

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