“Are there Proofs for the Resurrection of Christ?” with Dr.Gary Habermas

In this interview Kaon discusses some questions concerning the life, death and resurrection of Jesus with the leading scholar on this topic, Dr. Gary Habermas.  Dr. Habermas is a Distinguished Research Professor of Apologetics and Philosophy at the Rawlings School of Divinity at Liberty University.  He pursued undergraduate studies at William Tyndale College. Then he earned an M.A. from University of Detroit And a Ph.D. from Michigan State University Dr. Gary Habermas has dedicated his professional life to the examination of the relevant historical, philosophical, and theological issues surrounding the death and resurrection of Jesus. His extensive list of publications and debates provides a thorough account of the current state of the issue. Among memorable debates involve those with the British atheist turned deist, Anthony Flew, which occurred, if I’m not wrong, in 1985, 2000 and 2003. Dr. Habermas also has contributed to more than 60 chapters or articles to additional books, and over 100 articles and reviews in journals and other publications. In recent years, he has been a Visiting or Adjunct Professor at about 15 different graduate schools and seminaries in the United States and abroad.


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